Where it all began..

My love affair with essential oils began in the early ’90s when I stumbled upon a shop in Darlinghurst that sold oils, raw ingredients, and books. I was captivated by the aromas as I walked in the door, my senses led me to a shelf where the precious oils sat.
As I opened the first bottle, I was instantly mesmerized by the evocative aroma and the memories that came to mind as my thoughts dissected the fragrance. I asked a few questions and gained some advice, selected a couple of oils, chose a base cream, and grabbed a book. I couldn’t wait to get home to start experimenting.
The thought of making a cream with the aroma of choice was something that excited me. Soon I was making creams and other skincare products for my family for Christmas. I decided to follow my passion, joined the Body Shop, and spent the next five years working.
Many of my customers were sensitive to artificial fragrances, I saw a real need for naturally based products. I continued to make my own products using only pure plant ingredients and essential oils. I tested them on customers with sensitivities and knew I was creating something special when not only did they not react but saw skin improvement. This led me to many years of research and training on ingredients that heal and don't harm.
Delicious Vibrant Beauty not only looks after the body on the outside, but it’s also about internal beauty as well. As a certified holistic health coach and yoga teacher I know first-hand, the importance of working with the body as a whole. The skin will not shine if the diet is bad and likewise the skin will show the signs of stress and problems if there’s inner turmoil. I’ve always said, “The skin doesn’t lie!”
Our products are designed and made with performance in mind. Only pure essential oils, precious plant oils, natural waxes, potent botanical extracts, and butters are used to ensure that only purity goes into every single product. Every time you use one of our products, you will know that a lot of thought, time, and love has gone into creating it.
I hope you enjoy our products and that they bring you as much joy as they do for me. I wish everyone the gift of health love and vibrancy.
Tracey x